Network security consists of the policies, procedures, programs, hardware, software, and people you use to protect your corporate network.
Network security consists of the policies, procedures, programs, hardware, software, and people you use to protect your corporate network. Network security is intended to prevent unauthorized access or inadvertent exposure of protected and sensitive information like payment card data, protected health information (PHI), corporate financials, or intellectual property.
There are many steps, processes, layers, people, and technologies associated with network security. Organizations need network security tools: applications like internal/external scanning, firewalls, and log monitoring, to protect their network, detect vulnerabilities, and react to threats. They may also need to consult network data security experts to make sure they're not missing vulnerabilities or security gaps. And no security plan is complete without proper training of all stakeholders.
The five areas represent some of the foundational principles of network security. However, large corporate networks and structures can enforce and manage network security in a variety of ways. Since they typically need more network security than a basic home office or small business, they usually have more resources, time, and even entire positions and departments dedicated to the matter.
In addition to the five areas listed above, large organizations will likely need to utilize some or all of the following security services to increase network security:
Large businesses and franchises often have one central headquarters and many smaller remote or satellite locations. Some may even include telecommuting employees. While security efforts tend to focus on headquarters, remote locations can be just as critical for your network security.
At SecurityMetrics, we've seen entire headquarters' operations "held ransom" by malware that was initially downloaded onto the network through a remote franchise location. Situations like this are due in part to the "gray area" that tends to surround remote locations, where "who's responsible" for security can get fuzzy. Is the headquarters responsible for data security and compliance? Or is it the franchise? What about employees working from home? How trustworthy is their home network?
The forensics team here at SecurityMetrics recently investigated a case where a corporate network was breached due to a poorly configured home router. The employee would often work from home, connecting through a VPN into the corporate network. Attackers were able to defeat the employee’s home router and take stealth control of his remote machine. Once a VPN connection was made, the attackers were able to piggy back into the corporate network with devastating consequences.
So who was responsible? The employee or the corporation? The company did not own the employee’s network, yet that network presented a very real vulnerability. Risks increase significantly when little to no visibility into these gray area networks is available. Remote network owners frequently hesitant to provide visibility into their own networks, typically citing privacy concerns, yet when remote connections are allowed into your network, you automatically assume some responsibility for any threats that network may pose whether you wish to or not.
What can be done to help mitigate the risks gray area networks present to your network while privacy and control are still retained by the respective network owners?
Working backwards from large corporate data breaches, we've been able to pinpoint some of the most common attack vectors used in network breaches:
If you are a large franchise or corporate entity with many remote locations, it's crucial to find a network security company that can provide a level of visibility into your gray area networks to monitor for threats, vulnerabilities and malicious activity while also providing assurance to network owners that they are still in control of their own networks and privacy.
Do you know what vulnerabilities threaten your external network security? Pulse External Security is a SOC/SIEM product to help you stay ahead of cyber criminals who attempt to exploit your organization’s locations through external vulnerabilities.
SecurityMetrics Pulse includes: